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Jupyter is a web-based user interface that allows the user to access editors, Jupyter Notebooks, terminals, and a lot more. It is useful for the production of interactive documents for statistical modeling, data science, and data visualization.

Jupyter supports PDF, images, JSON, and CSV files, amongst others. It provides a sidebar with tabs indicating use as a manager for files, a notebook editor of metadata, and a kernel manager.

When writing code using Jupyter Notebooks, the user is provided an interactive experience: code can be seen and modified as it is being written, and the results are seen immediately. The qualities of this system are perfect for exploratory programming. There is no loss of in-memory data.

Jupyter is more than adequate for system automation and diagnostics, image manipulation, data analysis, and writing games. Its exploratory bias makes it an invaluable tool for adventurous programmers.

Don’t know where to begin? The cheat sheet at JupyterLab will get you started today!

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